Work at the Department
The coronary unit is the place where patients with the most severe, life-threatening conditions suffering from acute cardiovascular diseases are treated. It is equipped with the latest medical devices that help in the intensive treatment of patients. The coronary unit accommodates patients with acute myocardial infarction, the most severe forms of cardiac insufficiency, as well as those suffering from dangerous forms of heart rhythm disorders. The goal of treating patients in CU is to stabilize patients and resolve urgent cardiac conditions. Cardiac muscle function as a patient condition is constantly monitored on the monitors, by monitoring vital functions of respiration and heart rate as well as by applying other specialized procedures (right catheterization, PICCO system). Patients can be treated conservatively, using state-of- the-art medications or by following various invasive therapeutic procedures (percutaneous coronary interventions, arrhythmia ablation, surgical revascularization or surgical valvular procedures). After stabilizing the condition, patients are transferred from the coronary unit to the Department of Cardiology in order to continue with the treatment.
List of procedures
- Anamnesis and examination of the patient – upon each admission, medical doctors at the department perform a comprehensive examination of the patient, which includes data on the history and severity of the disease, associated comorbidities and assess his/her current condition.
- Treatment plan – after the admission of the patient, his/her condition is assessed and based on the available diagnostic data, a plan of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for the given patient is made.
- Blood sampling – performed regularly according to established protocols for each patient at the Department of Cardiology
- Consultative examinations – medical doctors, based on the patient’s condition, invite consultants from various fields (neurology, nephrology, hematology, etc.) in order to fully and in the best possible way observe the current patient’s condition and treat the patient
- Cardiac ultrasound – Coronary unit medical doctors are trained to perform ultrasound examinations next to the patient’s bed to get a clearer picture of the current state of the heart muscle and associated structures.
- Central venous line and Swan Ganz catheter placement – Coronary unit staff members place a central venous catheter or special catheters (Swan Ganz) to obtain clearer information about the hemodynamic parameters of cardiac function.
Instructions for patients
General information:
Patients admitted to the coronary unit come directly to this ward through the Ambulance (myocardial infarction) or are transferred from the ward due to deterioration in their general condition.
Working hours:
07:30 – 15:30
Required documentation:
All required documents for the preparation of the patient for interventional procedures shall be provided to the patient upon scheduling the admission at the competent outpatient units (link to documents for coronary angiography, PCI, electrophysiological procedures)
Outpatient unit
Medical doctors at the Coronary Unit perform outpatient unit examinations of patients who were previously treated for severe acute conditions in this organizational unit (after Acute Myocardial Infarction). Furthermore, they perform the first examinations after interventional procedures as well as examinations within specialized outpatient units (valvular diseases, cardiac insufficiency).
Working hours: 07:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Procedure for scheduling outpatient unit examination: Appointments can be scheduled through the IHIS System or directly by contacting the call center of the ICVD Dedinje at 011 3601 605.
Contact details
Telephone: 011 3601 750