Work at the Department

The Department of Intensive Care has three organizational units: the Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit, the Vascular Intensive Care Unit, and the Prolonged Intensive Care and Isolation Unit. With 35 patient beds equipped with state-of-the-art hemodynamic monitoring devices and mechanical ventilation devices, it is one of the largest intensive care units in the country and the region. The main focus is on dedicated, twenty-four-hour care for patients through nurturing teamwork and joint decision-making on optimal treatment. Each member of the medical team has special responsibilities, thus giving a unique contribution to the successful treatment of patients. Intensive care physicians are the leaders of our medical team. Intensivists are medical doctors who have mastered the skills of treating patients in critical condition through many years of education and practical work. A nurse is in charge of managing one or two patients, which enables close monitoring and early recognition of any changes in the patient’s condition. Furthermore, the cooperation with physiatrists and physiotherapists ensures early activation of patients several times a day, which results in accelerated postoperative recovery. The implementation of protocols for monitoring and reducing postoperative pain further improves patient comfort and activation. When necessary, experts from various fields from the country and abroad are consulted for patients in the most difficult condition, all in order to achieve the best possible treatment outcome. Special attention is paid to providing detailed information to family members about the course of treatment.

List of procedures

  • Standard invasive hemodynamic monitoring for all patients: allows continuous monitoring of vital functions (blood pressure, central venous pressure, ECG, blood oxygen saturation, number of respirations)
  • Advanced hemodynamic monitoring, “Swan Ganz” catheter, “VolumenView” platform, “Flow track”, “LiDCO”: allows accurate measurement of all relevant parameters for optimal treatment and postoperative follow-up of patients after the most complex surgical procedures for rapid recovery and reduction of complications
  • IABP, vv ECMO and VA ECMO: circulatory support devices when the patient’s native cardiac and/or pulmonary function is extremely reduced. These devices make it possible to overcome the most critical period until the recovery of heart and lung function is achieved.
  • Bronchoscopy: involves introducing an endoscope into the airways and allows direct visualization of the airways, aspiration of secretion, bronchospirate sampling, lavage and endotracheal biopsy. The procedure accelerates the postoperative recovery of patients with impaired pulmonary function.
  • Invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation: the latest devices provide safe patient ventilation and rapid recovery of pulmonary function
  • Pleural puncture: an intervention in which a special needle, minimally invasively enters the pleural space to evacuate fluid
    Бронсхоскопија: подразумева увођење ендоскопа у дисајне путеве и омогућава директуну визуализацију дисајних путева, аспирацију секрета, узроковање брохоаспирата, лаважу те ендотрахеалну биопсију. Процедура убрзава постоперативни опоравак болесника са нарушеном плућном функцијом
  • Rotational thromboelastography and postoperative blood salvage: thanks to reliable diagnostic tests, it is possible to make timely compensation of blood components, and with the use of “Cell saver” postoperative return of the patient’s blood. This reduces the need for blood transfusion.

Instructions for patients

General information:

Visits to patients are possible every day from 3 to 4 p.m.

Working hours:

0-24 h

Required documentation:

Outpatient unit

Contact details


  • 011/3601 715 (vascular intensive care unit).
  • 011/3601 717 (cardiac surgery intensive care unit)
    • 1). 011/3601 719 (cardiac surgery intensive care unit)
    • 2). 011/3601 764 (prolonged intensive care and isolation unit)

