Work at the Department

Early rehabilitation implies the application of all measures and procedures of physical medicine and rehabilitation after cardiovascular interventions with the aim of achieving the maximum possible functional recovery of the patient while shortening the hospital admission period. In accordance with contemporary medical achievements, services are continuously improved, the best expected outcomes are achieved and the rehabilitation potential of the patient is increased. The development of new procedures, modernization of equipment and increase in the number of patients has accelerated the growth of the unit and resulted in an increase in the number of employees. Until 1995, this unit had only one physiotherapist, and today it has become a department with two specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation, one resident and 18 physiotherapists.

The scope of work includes the following departments:

  • Preoperative Patient Preparation Department
  • Intensive care units I, II and III
  • Semi-intensive care unit
  • General care unit
  • Department of Prolonged Wound Healing and Treatment
  • Coronary unit.

Consultative examinations by physiatrists and diagnostic procedures are performed for the purpose of determining proper therapy and procedures to be implemented by physiotherapists in the further course of treatment. Upon the end of the treatment in our institution, general condition of the patient is evaluated, his/her functional ability is assessed and possible continuation of the treatment is proposed in a specialized rehabilitation center.

List of procedures

  1. Preoperative patient preparation procedure
  2. Early rehabilitation treatment in cardiac surgery patients
  3. Early rehabilitation treatment after vascular surgery
  4. Early rehabilitation treatment after acute myocardial infarction and invasive cardiac interventions

Respiratory kinesiotherapy procedures

  • patient positioning
  • positional drainage and vibromassage
  • training and application of breathing exercises
  • training and use of respiratory aids (tri-flo, respi-vol, respi in-out)
  • application of inhalation therapy
  • application of oxygen therapy (mask with venturi effect, mask with O2 tank, CPAP mask with PEEP valve, high flow nasal cannula)
  • application of non-invasive ventilation

Kinesiotherapy application procedure

  • peripheral circulation exercises
  • application of passive exercises
  • application of active and actively assisted exercises

Procedures for patient verticalization and patient mobilization

Early rehabilitation treatment procedures after amputations

  • training and use of orthopedic aids (crutches, cane, walker, wheelchair)
  • training and implementation of bed-wheelchair transfers and vice versa

Procedures of work with patients with neurological postoperative complications

  • exercises for patients with central lesions
  • exercises for patients with peripheral lesions

1. Dr Borjana Lukić-specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation – head of department
2. Dr Sanja Živanović- specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation
3. Dr Marija Zečević-resident specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation
4. Vida Borisavljević-physiotherapist- head physiotherapist
5. Branko Golubović-vocational physiotherapist
6. Sonja Brajković-vocational physiotherapist
7. Lidija Babović-vocational physiotherapist-specialist studies in neurological rehabilitation
8. Bojan Vučinić-vocational physiotherapist
9. Ivana Đukić-vocational occupational therapist
10. Marija Rupar-vocational physiotherapist
11. Maja Milenković-vocational physiotherapist
12. Rade Ilić-vocational physiotherapist
13. Svetislav Kojić-vocational physiotherapist
14. Sanja Gajić-specialist vocational physiotherapist
15. Sanja Tomčić-vocational physiotherapist
16. Dragoljub Ignjatović-vocational physiotherapist
17. Maja Stojiljković-physiotherapy technician
18. Dostana Ivanković-physiotherapy technician
19. Svetlana Momčilović-physiotherapy technician
20. Vladan Ostojić-physiotherapy technician
21. Bojan Bojić-physiotherapy technician

Instructions for patients

General information:

The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation works on weekdays in two shifts from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on weekends and holidays from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Working hours:

Required documentation:

Outpatient unit

Contact details




A satisfied and recovered patient is an encouragement for us and a motivation for us to nurture the concept of health and quality of life as the highest value.