Introductory note
The Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases is a leading, highly specialized health care institution for cardiovascular diseases. The Vascular Surgery Clinic performs more than 2000 surgical and endovascular procedures on blood vessels annually, which makes it the reference center in the Republic of Serbia. Clinical practice is accompanied by scientific research, which is recognized in Europe and around the world, and contributes to the highest quality of health care services. By expanding the spatial capacity with the new building “Dedinje 2”, the future National Institute of Heart and Blood Vessels will continue to introduce new procedures in cardiovascular medicine, which will make it the leading regional center. One of the primary goals is to provide relevant education of domestic and foreign staff in the field of cardiovascular medicine.
The Department of Vascular Surgery of the General Hospital “Dr Dragiša Mišović” started working in 1973, and the first chief was Prim. Dr. Dragoljub Adamov. Unselfish help in the development of the department of vascular surgery in that initial period was provided by prof. Dr. Libor Hejhal from the IKEM Institute in Prague, both through his direct participation and the training of our doctors in Prague. The first operations were performed on the superficial and deep venous system, and soon on the main arteries of the neck and extremities, while surgical procedures on the visceral arteries were introduced later.
The relocation to the new building in 1977 resulted in a significant increase in the scope and complexity of surgical procedures. In the period 1977-1992 prim. dr Miodrag Jevremović was the head of vascular surgery, the position which was later taken over by the scholar prof. dr. Đorđe Radak, who held that position until 2019.
In the early 1990s, modern diagnostic and therapeutic surgical procedures were introduced, including open surgical interventions to treat portal hypertension and liver and pancreas transplant surgery. The first successful transplantations were performed in 1995. Eversion carotid endarterectomy was introduced as a standard in the surgical treatment of carotid disease. Three decades later, more than 18,000 of these procedures were performed, with above-average results at the level of the world’s best centers.
Cooperation with experienced invasive radiologists at our institute has resulted in the development of various endovascular interventions in treating abdominal aorta, carotid and peripheral arteries. The first implantation of an aortic stent graft was performed in 2004, after which the number of these procedures has been growing steadily on an annual basis, with excellent results.
The Clinic for Vascular Surgery is the first and the only state institution that provides patients with modern treatment of chronic venous disease by applying the method of endovenous laser ablation (EVLA). The first intervention was performed by doc. dr. Predrag Matić in April, 2019, and the minimally invasive nature of this procedure attracts more and more patients.
Since 2019, prof. dr. Nenad Ilijevski has been the head of the Clinic for Vascular Surgery, who made his first surgical steps in 1988, at the clinic he now manages. Prof. dr Đorđe Radak
Manager: prof. dr Nenad Ilijevski
Head nurse of the Clinic: Marija Božović
Surgical section of the Vascular Surgery Clinic consists of three departments:
- Surgery Department (no link)
- Endovascular Surgery Department (no link)
- Venous Diseases Department (no link)
The need for efficient and reliable non-invasive diagnostics of vascular diseases and highly specialized perioperative care has led to the formation of two associated departments:
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