Professional meetings for doctors organized by the Institute accredited by the Health Council of Serbia in the period September 2017. – November 2018
26.09.2017. “Modern approach to surgical treatment of diseases of the distal aorta” – Dr. Zeljko Bojovic
10/03/2017 “Should the inflammatory response to endovascular procedures worry us?” – Dr. Nenad Đukić
17.10.2017. “Difficult airway” – Dr. Aleksandra Kaludjerovic
24.10.2017. “Pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease” – Dr. Jelena Kljajević
07.11.2017. “Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in cardiac surgical patients” – Dr. Dragana Unić-Stojanović
14.11.2017. “New about new oral anticoagulants” – Dr. Sladjana Bozovic-Ogarevic
Lectures for doctors within KME that are not accredited:
21.11.2017. “Misconceptions when measuring troponin in the peripheral circulation” – Dr. Vera Marevic
28.11.2017. “Aortic valve repair and aortic root aneurysm surgery” – Dr. Slobodan Mićović
05.12.2017. “Cryoablation of atrial fibrillation (experience of our center)” – Dr. Dejan Kojic
Professional meetings for doctors organized by the Institute accredited by the Health Council of Serbia in 2016/2017:
“Modern approach to the treatment of infectious endicarditis” – Dr. Dragana Dinić
“PCI in patients with stenosis Left Main – results of the register of IKVB Dedinje” – Dr. Mihajlo Farkić
“Modern principles of treatment of cardiogenic shock in acute myocardial infarction” – Dr. Petar Otasevic
“Urgent carotid endarterectomy in patients with acute neurological ischemic events” – Dr. Srdjan Babic
“Catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia in patients with heart disease” – Dr. Dejan Vukajlovic
“Refractory platelet transfusion” – Dr. Lidija Mijović
“Modern approach to surgical treatment of diseases of the distal aorta” – Dr. Zeljko Bojovic
“New about new oral anticoagulants” – Dr. Sladjana Bozovic Ogarevic
“Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in cardiac surgery patients” – Dr. Dragana Unić-Stojanović
“Difficult airway” – Dr. Aleksandra Kaludjerovic
“Pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease” – Dr. Jelena Kljajević
Topics and lecturers for KME for 2018:
27.03.2018. “Misconceptions in the determination of troponins in the peripheral circulation” – Dr. Vera Maravić-Stojković
03.04.2018. “Selection of patients for heart transplantation and mechanical circulatory support” – Dr. Dragana Kosevic
17.04.2018. “Cardiac risk assessment in preoperative preparation for non-cardiac surgery” – prof. Dr. Milorad Borzanović
24.04.2018. “Brugada syndrome” – Dr. Ružica Jurčević
08.05.2018. “Antithrombotic therapy in patients in preparation for electrophysiological procedures” – Dr. Milosav Tomović
15.05.2018. “Heart transplant” – prof. Dr. Miodrag Perić
22.05.2018. “Cardiac surgery procedures after PTCA: should a coronary artery with a stent be bridged?” – Dr. Miroslav Miličić