Basic information about the course

1. Course duration – one month

2. Lectures – 3 weekdays

3. Practical part – 4 weeks

4. Limited number of participants

5. Course price: EUR 2,000, in dinar counter-value calculated at middle exchange rate of the NBS on the payment date, to be transferred to the account: 840-647667-37 6. Stress echocardiography course is announced, foreseen for 2019 (exact date will be determined depending on the number of interested participants)

7. The number of candidates is limited and it requires knowledge in the field of conventional transthoracic echocardiography.

8. The course is accredited.


Participants Report
1 st course participants 1 st course report
2 nd course participants 2 nd course report
3 rd course participants 3 rd report
4 th course participants 4 th course report
5 th course participants 5 th course report

Contact details


011 3601 671

011 3601 670


011 3601 714
