An agreement on professional and scientific cooperation between the Kragujevac Faculty of Medical Sciences and the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases “Dedinje” was signed today in Kragujevac. This very important document implies the establishment of comprehensive cooperation between these two institutions. Without hiding their great satisfaction, the dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Kragujevac, prof. dr Vladimir Jakovljević and director of the Institute “Dedinje”, prof. Dr. Milovan Bojić. By signing this document, conditions were created for the Dedinje Institute to become a teaching base of the Medical Faculty in Kragujevac and wide opportunities were opened for cooperation in the fields of education, disease prevention, and professional and scientific projects, to the general satisfaction of students, teachers and scientists. Also, this cooperation will contribute to the introduction and development of cardiac surgery in the University Clinical Center of Kragujevac, which is the widest teaching base of FMN. Dean of the Faculty of Medical Sciences prof. Dr. Vladimir Jakovljević pointed out that this was a very emotional moment for him, considering that as a graduate student of medicine he considered that the Institute “Dedinje” was an unattainable story for him in Serbian medicine and science, but that in the nineties, as, , an ordinary student from the last line “realized that medicine, if it wants to be top and world, is based on nurturing scientific research. – There is a real man for every job in the world. For “Dedinje”, it is Prof. Milovan Bojić. Stories about the construction of “Dedinje 2” lasted for years, but the impressive building was built only after the return of prof. Bojic in just two or three years. That is why we are extremely honored that prof. Bojic and prof. Nebojsa Tasic recognized our work and results in the field of science and launched an initiative, which we are implementing today. From today, we are moving faster and stronger towards a better scientific and medical future, which will be of great benefit not only to our scientists and associates in the field of basic and clinical trials, but also to the Clinical Center and the City of Kragujevac – said Prof. Dr. Vladimir Jakovljevic. Addressing the hosts, prof. Dr. Milovan Bojić pointed out that the Faculty of Medical Sciences in Kragujevac has become a prominent institution that in a decade and a half has made a great step forward in educational, professional and scientific terms among medical faculties in Serbia, which he deeply appreciates.

– By signing this Agreement, we will have mutual benefits, but Serbian medicine will benefit the most, considering that the data on cardiovascular diseases are frightening. We only remember that in 2019, 55,305 people died from that plague, ie 150 a day, or six in one hour. We realized that we are losing one city a year, that we cannot fight against cardiovascular diseases only in tertiary institutions, but in that fight we must strengthen that preventive attitude towards cardiovascular diseases – said prof. Milovan Bojić pointed out that he came to Kragujevac with a proposal to immediately establish a laboratory for atherosclerosis and vascular biology, to “hit” endothelial dysfunction and, by promoting a healthy life, to put prevention in a deserving place. – That means being fundamentally scientific and relying on our prevention and instructing people in the basics of healthy living, how to live, how and what to eat, and to certify it with our scientifically proven trademark, which is extremely important in this flood quasi-professional counseling centers that poison our people, without contributing to the real fight against these and all other diseases. We will be able to do that, as we have shown that we can match the largest medical centers in Europe, not only in the number of procedures performed, but also in their quality – said Prof. Bojić especially emphasized that this Agreement gives an opportunity to the Medical Faculty in Kragujevac and their cardiovascular medicine to join the “Dedinje” Institute, to learn from experienced colleagues, because, as he said, the task of a good teacher is to awaken a future teacher in a student. – We are ready to be your teaching base – we can do it, and you want it, and that is a promising combination. Both in teaching and in the profession, you will find everything with us. Today’s protocol signature, from tomorrow, means that we roll up our sleeves for useful and good deeds. I want us all to be satisfied, you, first of all, because “Dedinje” has already been launched into world orbit. However, our task is not to exist and enjoy the European top, but, above all, to help Serbian medicine and its experts. – said prof. Dr. Milovan Bojić. – This is a really big thing, not only for the Faculty, but also for the City of Kragujevac. Dear professors, you certainly know that knowledge is the only thing that increases and multiplies by sharing. Thank you for sharing your rich experience and knowledge with our students from Kragujevac. We all know the importance of the Dedinje Institute, not only regionally, but also internationally, and the University of Kragujevac is very well recognized on many world rankings, not only in Shanghai. He has given many successful experts and many significant works that are recognized in the world. More than two million people are directed to our Clinical Center, so it is extremely important that our doctors are trained in the best way for their treatment – said Nikola Dasic, the mayor of Kragujevac. At the end of the visit to Kragujevac, the director of the “Dedinje” Institute, prof. Dr. Milovan Bojić and his associates, accompanied by the host, visited the laboratories for basic research in basic medicine and the building of the Center of Excellence under construction.