SAIGE project
Serbia Accelerating Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project – SAIGE
This project is part of the reform process in science and involves the transformation of scientific institutes through a partnership with the World Bank and the European Union, under the auspices of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia.
The Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases “Dedinje” is in the second group of institutes, which within the SAIGE project want to strengthen their capacities, improve their work and more efficiently join the international scientific network, with the help of international expert assessment and support, training and various types of improvement.
Namely, in 2020, a process of evaluation of institutes performing scientific research was carried out, in which the institutes themselves assessed their current situation and declared whether they wanted to participate in the transformation, which is expected to ensure a better quality of scientific research, encourage innovative entrepreneurship and easier access to funding sources, which is in the interest of both the growth of the Serbian economy and the strengthening of the institution itself.
The SAIGE project consists of 3 parts:
- the work of the Innovation Fund and the encouragement of entrepreneurship through support for financing start-ups, innovative companies, etc.;
- capacity building in science through the work of the Science Fund and
- the transformation of the institute;
On August 3, 2022, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases “Dedinje” signed a Memorandum on cooperation and support for the process of institutional transformation with the aim of achieving excellence in science and raising the quality of scientific research. . .