After one year of work in the field of science and research development at the Institute, the Management Board of the Institute adopted, at its 26th session, the proposal of the Director, Prof. Dr Milovan Bojić, on the establishment of a Center for Scientific and Research activities in the Field of Cardiovascular Medicine.

The Institute’s Center for Scientific and Research Activities in the Field of Cardiovascular Medicine was accredited on July 20, 2021 as the Institute’s Center of Exceptional Values by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia.


The Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases “Dedinje” is an institution of extraordinary scientific research importance considering the number of patients it treats, the spectrum of cardiovascular procedures performed at the Institute and the structure of the staff engaged in scientific research. One of the basic requirements for modern research work is qualified and adequately trained personnel.

In the Center for Scientific and Research Activity in the Field of Cardiovascular Medicine – Center of Exceptional Values, the necessary continuity in education, familiarization with modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods in cardiovascular medicine, as well as mastering of scientific research techniques, i.e. methods of collecting, processing and publishing scientifically valuable data, is achieved.

The Center of Exceptional Values as an organizational unit of the Institute is an organization that implements the principles of Good Scientific Practice (GoodScientificPractice, GSP), Good Clinical Practice (GoodClinicalPractice) and Good Laboratory Practice (GoodlaboratoryPractice, GLP) in scientific research. In regard to young researchers, the associates of the Center and the Scientific Council supervise the adequate implementation of the GSP.