Work at the Department

The Department of Cardiology is an inpatient department where all patients who are being treated for various forms of cardiovascular diseases are accommodated. Most patients are those who are being prepared for interventional cardiac procedures as well as persons undergoing invasive electrophysiological procedures. In addition, there are patients who suffer from severe forms of cardiac insufficiency and those who undergo other cardiac procedures (TAVI, ASD closure, FOA). Medical doctors and other medical staff at the department actively participate in the admission, processing, preparation and monitoring patients before and after these procedures. Immediately after being admitted to the department, each patient is completely processed by the medical team, which once again determines his/her current condition, the existence of indications for a particular intervention, other important diseases, and also develops a strategy for his/her treatment. During the time spent at the Department of Cardiology, patients are subjected to various procedures (blood sampling, ultrasound heart examinations, scanner imaging of the heart, chest and aorta). Patients are thoroughly monitored immediately before and after cardiac procedures and prepared for discharge. After the completion of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, medical doctors of the Department of Cardiology present the course of treatment and foreseen results thereof to the cardiac surgery medical advisory board, which makes a decision on the modalities of further treatment of the patient. Furthermore, medical doctors of the Department of Cardiology perform the first specialist examinations of patients who come to ICVD Dedinje to schedule coronary angiography or due to other cardiovascular diseases, and participate in monitoring patients after completed intervention procedures.

List of procedures

  • Anamnesis and examination of the patient – upon each admission, medical doctors at the department perform a comprehensive examination of the patient, which includes data on the history and severity of the disease, associated comorbidities and assess his/her current condition.
  • Treatment plan – after the admission of the patient, his/her condition is assessed and based on the available diagnostic data, a plan of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for the given patient is made.
  • Blood sampling – performed regularly according to established protocols for each patient at the Department of Cardiology
  • Консултативни прегледи- лекари на основу стања болесника позивијау консултанте из различитих области (неурологија, нефрологија, хематологија итд) како би се у потпуности и на најбољи могући начин сагледало тренутно стање болесника и извршило лечење пацијента
  • Monitoring patients after interventional procedures – according to pre-set protocols medical doctors and medical staff monitor the condition of patients after invasive cardiac procedures (PCI, TAVI, structural procedures, electrophysiological procedures) with special reference to general condition, vital parameters, monitoring access points and renal function. Laboratory analyzes are performed for all patients according to established protocols at given time intervals.
  • Patient discharge – medical doctors at the Department of Cardiology write discharge notes for each patient which contain information on what was done during hospitalization and in particular the recommended therapy that the patient should take after discharge. Upon discharge medical doctors once again go through the course of treatment with the patient at the Department and give relevant advice on secondary prevention measures as well as the life style after hospitalization.

Instructions for patients

General information:

Patients are admitted to the Department of Cardiology according to previously scheduled appointments. Each patient at the reception should bring all available medical documentation, blood tests and biochemistry not older than 15 days, blood type (if interventional procedures are performed) as well as previously performed specifically requested tests (load test, INR, bleeding time, stress test). MDCT coronary angiography and the like). Patients are admitted to the outpatient clinic on weekdays from 07 and 30 to 12 and 30. During their stay at the Department, the patient is obliged to listen to the advice of doctors and medical staff.

Working hours:

07:30 – 15:30

Required documentation:

All required documents for the preparation of the patient for interventional procedures shall be provided to the patient upon scheduling the admission at the competent outpatient units (link to documents for coronary angiography, PCI, electrophysiological procedures)

Outpatient unit

Medical doctors working at the Department participate in the work of the triage cardiology outpatient unit, where patients are referred to from primary health care centers as well as from other secondary and tertiary health care institutions. These patients are referred for possible further diagnostic cardiac examinations and interventional procedures. Furthermore, medical doctors of the Department participate in the activities of the outpatient unit examining the documentation in detail and assessing the condition of patients referred to from other health care institutions to the cardiac surgery medical advisory board. Medical doctors of the Department are involved in the work of the cardiac surgery medical advisory board on a daily basis. In addition, they perform the first examinations after interventional procedures as well as examinations within specialized outpatient units (valvular diseases, cardiac insufficiency).
Working hours:07:30 a.m. – 03:30 p.m.
Procedure for scheduling outpatient unit examination: Appointments can be scheduled through the IHIS System or directly by contacting the call center of the ICVD Dedinje at 011 3601 605.

Contact details


  • 011 3601 707
  • 011 3601 708

