Basic school program

  1. General principles of ultrasonographic diagnostics
  2. Ultrasonography of the supraaortic branches
  3. Ultrasonography of the abdominal aorta and visceral arteries
  4. Ultrasonography of the arteries and veins of the lower extremities

School program

Curriculum includes both theoretical and practical education.

Theoretical classes take place 5 to 7 hours a day for a week. After that, a qualification test is taken that qualifies doctors to follow practical classes.

In the course of the next 2 months, practical classes will take place in the morning and afternoon (from 12 to 4 p.m. and from 4 to 8 p.m.) and in agreement with the candidates themselves.

During the training, each student must independently perform at least 100 examinations of the supra-aortic branches, 50 examinations of the abdominal aorta with visceral arteries, and 50 examinations of the arteries and veins of the upper and lower extremities.

Practical education includes attendance at a vascular consilium, a stay at the vascular surgery department and in the operating room for the comparison of ultrasound and intraoperative findings.

Practical work takes place in two shifts with two trainees per GE LogiQ device

The final exam consists of two parts

Practical exam during which the student shall perform:

  • One examination of the supraaortic branches: carotid, vertebral arteries, truncus brachiocephalicus and subclavian arteries.
  • One examination of the arteries and veins of the upper and/or lower limbs.
  • One examination of the abdominal aorta and visceral arteries.
  • The examination shall then be interpreted orally and the final report on relevant findings shall be prepared in writing, all under the supervision of the appointed exam board which performs the performance assessment.

The final test is assessed by the exam board.
Students of the school for ultrasound vascular diagnostics shall receive a certificate which officially confirms their ability to perform ultrasonography of supraaortic branches, abdominal aorta with visceral branches, as well as arteries and veins of the upper and lower limbs, and interpret relevant findings.

The school is accredited by the Health Council of the Republic of Serbia, students receive points.